Aquatic Bodywork > The way it works > Passivity as a gateway to the inner person
When clients are asked to do “nothing” during the course of the treatment, to allow themselves to be moved passively, to listen to their perceptions and feelings, perhaps at times to loosen and open their large joints consciously (shoulders, elbows, hips, knees) and to pay attention to their breathing, an inactivity is stimulated in which they can neither distract themselves nor protect themselves from their own sensitivity. In this situation of surrender and defencelessness, the information stored in the body, especially in the muscles, is shown particularly clearly.
Not having to do anything and trustingly surrendering to the movements, the flow of water and what is happening enables clients to let go of the daily density of control. This results in a reduction in stress and often an intense feeling of “freedom”. There can also be an intense experience of being content, security and the feeling of simply being able to “be” for once.